Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2018

REVIEW: Blue/Yellow Green Stuff tape 12 inches / Green Stuff Modelliermasse Band mit 30 cm

Blue/Yellow Green Stuff Tape 12 inches / Green Stuff Modelliermasse Band mit 30 cm,

Manufacturer: Green Stuff World International, SPAIN

Article no.: 8436554365029ES
RRP = EUR 6,00, reduced price = EUR 4,50

Epoxy putty
Blue/Yellow Green Stuff tape 12 Inch by GSW

 This set of two-part epoxy putty „Green Stuff“ includes a Green Stuff „yellow/blue“ tape with a length of 12 inches ( = 30 cm) in total.

The blister (14,5x10,7cm) includes also a product information sheet at the front side and a quick step instructions on the reverse side in English, Spanish and French language.

How can you mix the modelling clay?

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim has tested the yellow/blue green stuff tape by cutting the tape in smaller portions. We mixed equal parts of the yellow ( = as filler) and the blue ( = hardener) tape. If you have mixed the green stuff tape, it will hardened after a time period of approx. 90 minutes.

During the time window you will have the opportunity to shape and refining your details of your sculpture. The final hardening process will be reached after approx. 24 hours.

Please keep in mind that you have the option to mix more yellow or blue green stuff in your mixture modelling clay part. This will reduce or raise the hardening process, the final hardening and also the degree of hardness. Light green = softer, dark green = harder.

Epoxy putty – especially green stuff can stick on your tools and fingers sometimes. Tp prevent those unlucky moments Hobby Bunker Schriesheim recommends to use a drop of cooking oil or baby oil. Vaseline or some drops of water can also improve the smoothness of the mixed green stuff.

For beginners it will help you to sculpt a miniature, close open sections between to parts of your modelling kits or to sclupt a terrain section in the process of moving forward the green stuff modelling clay, if you will keep your fingers and also your tools consistent wet.

We have used the Green Stuff modelling clay during our terrain modelling workshops and especially in cases of modelling individual bases for single miniatures or complete TableTop armies.

One of the helpful tools could be the textured rollers produced by Green Stuff World.

These textured rollers are available in different sizes (XL, 12-15-20 mm, 25-28 mm, 32-35-45 mm scale) and will help you to improve your modelling skills, increase the quickness in finalizing all your bases and armies.

Related products:

Green Stuff World offers different blisters in different lengths.

So, It is up to you to ordert he green stuff tapes with a length of 6 / 12 / 18 or 36,5 inches (15 / 30 / 46 / 93 cm) in total.

You can also select the Green Stuff epoxy putty as a 100 gram bar package.

Green Stuff World provides rebates between 25,00% up to 40,00% as a product discount of at the moment.

Epoxy Putties

Blue/Yellow Green Stuff tape provided and sponsored by Green Stuff World International(GSW) located in Alicante / SPAIN

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim @ blogspot

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim says "hello" to all our Club members, Painting Buddhas, Paintoholics, Painting Artists, Tabletop Wargamers, Board Game Geeks, friends and last but not least to all our family members.

Thanks a lot to one and all for your support in the past and also in the upcoming future, too. We love you!

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Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2018

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim - Flyer Info

Flyer Info Update 01.02.2018

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim [HBS]

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Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2018

New Arrivals by PK-PRO

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim has received a new package by PK-PRO.

Be surpised... stay tuned... what will be inside...?

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PKPRO #MeinHobbyBaumarkt #CooperationPartner #Kooperationspartner #Sponsor #NewArrivals #Delivered #Review #Surprise #StayTuned