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Posts mit dem Label Painting Corner werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2020

HBS Anniversary 2020

Our HBS Club anniversary is today. Thanks to all members, cooperation partners, sponsors and last but not least the fantastic Board Games and TableTop community.

#HBS #HBSHQ #HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HobbyBunker #hobby #bunker #Schriesheim
#behappy #happypainting #happygaming #happywargaming #maketabletopgreatagain 

Samstag, 10. November 2018

Painting Workshop - 10.11.2018/11.11.2018 @HBS

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim is hosting another painting workshop at HBS HQ.

Stay tuned, open your acrylic paints and take your brushes.


HBS HQ core team will assist you together with our colour demons.
It's time for your PAINTING W-ORK-SHOP!

Thanks to our friends, cooperation partner and sponsors to realize this workshop.

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim
#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PaintingCorner #PaintingWorkshop #ClubEvent #Event #Workshop #BrideColours #HappyPainting #CooperationPartner #Sponsor #MIG #AMMO #AMMOforLife #AMMObyMigJimenez #SPAIN #AV #AcrylicosVallejo #Vallejo #FantasyIn #FantasyKolosseum #FantasyKolosseumHeidelberg #PKPRO #Tabletop-Art #SPELLCROW #POLAND #UK #KLUKVA #KLUKVAminiatures #RUSSIA #AvatarsOfWar #GreenStuffWorld #GreenStuffWorldInternational

Samstag, 6. Oktober 2018

Painting Workshop - 06.10.2018/07.10.2018 @HBS

We are preparing our next painting workshop. HBS is hosting another painting class for our younger students and beginner to the tabletop and miniature painting hobby this weekend.

Spots on and take your brushes. Bright lights and shiny colours on your new miniatures!


The golden demon has been awakened. Don't worry, the little blue one will help and assist you to hold your brushes.

Thanks a lot to all our cooperation partners and sponsors. Your support is highly appreciated!

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim HQ Team

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PaintingCorner #PaintingWorkshop #ClubEvent #Event #Workshop #BrideColours #HappyPainting #CooperationPartner #Sponsor #MIG #AMMO #AMMOforLife #AMMObyMigJimenez #SPAIN #AV #AcrylicosVallejo #Vallejo #FantasyIn #FantasyKolosseum #FantasyKolosseumHeidelberg #PKPRO #Tabletop-Art #SPELLCROW #POLAND #UK #KLUKVA #KLUKVAminiatures #RUSSIA #AvatarsOfWar #GreenStuffWorld #GreenStuffWorldInternational 

Samstag, 8. September 2018

Painting Workshop - 08.09.2018/09.09.2018 @HBS

HBS is hosting another painting workshop at HBS HQ.

We are looking for another happy painting weekend together with all our participants, students, old and new friends.

The golden demon and his little white helper will assist you together with our HBS HQ core team.


Thanks to all our sponsors and cooperation partners to support and realize these workshops.

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim HQ Team

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PaintingCorner #PaintingWorkshop #ClubEvent #Event #Workshop #BrideColours #HappyPainting #CooperationPartner #Sponsor #MIG #AMMO #AMMOforLife #AMMObyMigJimenez #SPAIN #AV #AcrylicosVallejo #Vallejo #FantasyIn #FantasyKolosseum #FantasyKolosseumHeidelberg #PKPRO #Tabletop-Art #SPELLCROW #POLAND #UK #KLUKVA #KLUKVAminiatures #RUSSIA #AvatarsOfWar #GreenStuffWorld #GreenStuffWorldInternational

Samstag, 18. August 2018

Painting Workshop - 18.08.2018/19.08.2018 @HBS

We are hosting our Painting Workshop this weekend.


The golden demon and the little blue one will assist you together with our HBS HQ core team to improve your painting skills.

Thanks a lot to all our cooperation partners and sponsors for supporting our events, workshops and initiatives ongoing.

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim HQ Team

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PaintingCorner #PaintingWorkshop #ClubEvent #Event #Workshop #BrideColours #HappyPainting #CooperationPartner #Sponsor #MIG #AMMO #AMMOforLife #AMMObyMigJimenez #SPAIN #AV #AcrylicosVallejo #Vallejo #FantasyIn #FantasyKolosseum #FantasyKolosseumHeidelberg #PKPRO #Tabletop-Art #SPELLCROW #KROMLECH #POLAND #UK #KLUKVA #KLUKVAminiatures #RUSSIA #AvatarsOfWar #GreenStuffWorld #GreenStuffWorldInternational

Samstag, 21. Juli 2018

Painting Workshop - 21.07.2018/22.07.2018 @HBS

We are preparing our next painting workshop atm. We are looking forward for another happy painting weekend together with all participants.

The golden demon and the little white demon will assist you together with our HBS HQ core Team to improve your painting skills and flow.


Thanks a lot to all our cooperation partners and sponsors for the support of our events and initiatives.

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim HQ team

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PaintingCorner #PaintingWorkshop #ClubEvent #Event #Workshop #BrideColours #HappyPainting #CooperationPartner #Sponsor #MIG #AMMO #AMMOforLife #AMMObyMigJimenez #SPAIN #AV #AcrylicosVallejo #Vallejo #FantasyIn #FantasyKolosseum #FantasyKolosseumHeidelberg #PKPRO #Tabletop-Art #SPELLCROW #POLAND #UK #KLUKVA #KLUKVAminiatures #RUSSIA #AvatarsOfWar #GreenStuffWorld #GreenStuffWorldInternational

Samstag, 7. April 2018

We reached the first 10.000 page views

THANK YOU to all our Club members, cooperation partners, sponsors, friends, visitors and family members for your open feedback and ongoing support!

Over the weekend we have reached the first 10.000 clicks.

Follow us via our other Social Media channels, too.      Be connected... and Happy Painting!

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #THANK YOU #ClubMembers #GamingClub #PaintingCorner #PaintingStudio #Studio69 #PageViews #BlogVisitors #FollowUs #Follower #HappyPainting #Brushstroke

Samstag, 3. März 2018

Painting Workshop - 03.03.2018/04.03.2018 @HBS HQ

Today, It's showtime at Hobby Bunker Schriesheim.

Gentlemen start your engines, take your brushes, open your acrylic paint pots and let's paint together.
The golden painting demon will be assist by the little white one and the whole HBS team to improve your painting skills.

We are ready... and we are waiting to assist you.


#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PaintingWorkshop #HappyPainting #ImproveYourPaintingSkills #Cooperationpartner #Sponsor #KROMLECH #BitsofWar #POLAND

Donnerstag, 1. März 2018

Painting Workshop - 03.03.2018/04.03.2018 @HBS HQ (preparations)

Our next painting workshop will be hosted @HBS HQ.

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim is preparing the miniatures for our participants at the moment.

We are looking forward to meet all of you. KEEP CALM and HAPPY PAINTING to improve your painting skills ongoing!

Thanks a lot to our cooperation partner and main sponsor - KROMLECH.

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PaintingWorkshop #HappyPainting #ImproveYourPaintingSkills #Cooperationpartner #Sponsor #KROMLECH #BitsofWar #POLAND

Samstag, 17. Februar 2018

Terrain Building Workshop, 17th/18th February 2018

BLACK BOX delivered just in time... thank you DPD Poland / DPD Germany

Dimensions: 31x30x18 cm
Content:       Mystery Box ???
RRP:            sponsored by...

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim warmly welcome all participants of our two-days workshop. See you later. 

Stay tuned... REVIEW of our workshop will follow soon.

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #Gaming Club #Painting Corner #Studio69

Samstag, 10. Februar 2018

Join us on Twitter

Join us on Twitter:

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim @Twitter --> Hobby_Bunker_Sh

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #GamingClub #PaintingCorner #PaintingStudio #Studio69 #HappyPainting, #Twitter, @Hobby_Bunker_Sh

Club Events 2018 - 1st Quarter

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim (HBS) HQ has scheduled the following Club events for the upcoming weeks in January / February / March 2018:

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim
Event Team

HBS at Twitter: Hobby_Bunker_Sh
HBS at Facebook: HobbyBunkerSchriesheim

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #GamingClub #PaintingCorner #ClubEvents #Events2018 #Events #HappyGaming #HappyPainting

Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2018