Samstag, 6. Oktober 2018

Painting Workshop - 06.10.2018/07.10.2018 @HBS

We are preparing our next painting workshop. HBS is hosting another painting class for our younger students and beginner to the tabletop and miniature painting hobby this weekend.

Spots on and take your brushes. Bright lights and shiny colours on your new miniatures!


The golden demon has been awakened. Don't worry, the little blue one will help and assist you to hold your brushes.

Thanks a lot to all our cooperation partners and sponsors. Your support is highly appreciated!

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim HQ Team

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PaintingCorner #PaintingWorkshop #ClubEvent #Event #Workshop #BrideColours #HappyPainting #CooperationPartner #Sponsor #MIG #AMMO #AMMOforLife #AMMObyMigJimenez #SPAIN #AV #AcrylicosVallejo #Vallejo #FantasyIn #FantasyKolosseum #FantasyKolosseumHeidelberg #PKPRO #Tabletop-Art #SPELLCROW #POLAND #UK #KLUKVA #KLUKVAminiatures #RUSSIA #AvatarsOfWar #GreenStuffWorld #GreenStuffWorldInternational 

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