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Posts mit dem Label Mein Hobby Baumarkt werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2018

New Arrivals by PK-PRO

We have received another large parcel by PK-PRO.

Delivered just in time - before the whole PK-PRO team will be on holidays! Enjoy it!!

Time schedule:


1.) PO placed on Monday early morning.

2.) packaging and shipment on Monday afternoon




3.) Delivery

Result = ⭐5 of ⭐5 stars

Perfect customer service, fast shipment and finally new items with some candies.
We are just happy. Thanks a lot PK-PRO - to Felix and his PK-PRO team!

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PKPRO #CooperationPartner #Kooperationspartner #Sponsor #NewArrivals #Parcel #HobbyZone #HobbyZonePL #GERMANY #POLAND #Haribo #Candies

Mittwoch, 4. April 2018

New Arrivals by PK-PRO

Today, We have a received a new parcel by PK-PRO.

New products to be reviewed by HBS.

We found also some sweets inside the parcel. Quite happy about the customer service provided by the PK-PRO Team. Happy HARIBO!

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PKPRO #MeinHobbyBaumarkt #CooperationPartner #Kooperationspartner #Sponsor #NewArrivals #Delivered #Review #Happy #HARIBO

Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2018

New Arrivals by PK-PRO

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim has received a new package by PK-PRO.

Be surpised... stay tuned... what will be inside...?

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PKPRO #MeinHobbyBaumarkt #CooperationPartner #Kooperationspartner #Sponsor #NewArrivals #Delivered #Review #Surprise #StayTuned