REVIEW: Textured roller „Small Cobblestone“ 1223 / Texturrolle „Kleine Kopf-Stein-Pflastersteine“
Manufacturer: Green Stuff World International, SPAIN
Article no.: 8436554363742ES
RRP = EUR 15,00, reduced price = EUR 12,00
GSW Article no.: 8436554363742ES |
One single textured roller. Theme „Small Cobblestones“.
The product includes a single roller, protected by a plastic
tube plus sealing cap. A product information sheet shows the customer the
single Green Stuff World article no., product name and a quick step product
instructions on the front side, and the same multilingual information in
English / German / Spanish and French language on the reverse side.
Dimensions of the textured roller:
Length: 14,5 cm (5’5 inches)
Diameter: 2,5 cm (1“ inch)
Brick pattern size: approx. 2x5 mm up to 2x5 mm
The rounded bricks are all individual and combined with
multiple stone types.
This textured roller and moulded results are recommended for your bases and
miniatures in the scale of 1/35, 1/43, 1/48 or 1/76.
The textured roller is produced very well, without any sharp
So, no injuries should be expected. Safty first, work safe,
go home safe! 😉
Hobby Bunker Schriesheim has used the textured rollers during
our terrain modelling workshops and especially in cases of modelling individual
bases for single miniatures and/or complete TableTop armies.
One of the helpful materials to mould streets, pavements,
smaller or larger cobble stones can be the epoxy putty „Blue/Yellow Green
Stuff“ distributed by Green Stuff World International.
The textured rollers can be used very easy. Mix your green
stuff modelling clay in the indivual size and stretch out the green stuff on
your clean cutting mat, HDF or foam plate.
The modelling clay should have a smooth consistence. Now,
You can start with the moulding steps.
Hold the textured roller in both hands, push down the roller
and roll over the modelling clay over the whole area. It is very important to
carry out the same pressure. If you push to hard on one of the textured areas
in the modelling clay, the texture can be interrupted compared to the whole
moulded clay. Hobby Bunker Schriesheim recommends to use petroleum jelly or
enough water to prevent sticking greent stuff at the textured roller after
releasing the two parts at the end.
One single point of criticism*: the deepest areas of each
textured roller has a raw surface with small grooves. These structure will be
reflected on the modelling clay after rolling over it. One will love this
structure effects, another would like to have a very perfect clean surface in
this case.
raw surface |
This part of structure is okay from our point of view,
because some club members would like to have especially these raw surface on
their Cobblestone and prevent bases… and the other club members polished the
highest parts of the stones with water and a sculpting tool. So, It is up to
you to try out these textured rollers with different themes.
It is also very important to clean up the textured roller to
prevent closing fine details and small scaled lines on the textured rollers
after you have finished your moulds at the end.
We have tested the textured rollers, Pavement (1301), Small
Cobblestones (1374) and Celtic (1223). We are impressed by the small details,
easy handling and last but not least the final moulded results.
Highly recommended for all beginners and advanced painters,
model builders and TableTop artists.
*Perhaps Green Stuff World International can improve this
raw surfaces a little bit in future.
BTW: Green Stuff World offers different sizes related to
different scales: (XL, 12-15-20
mm, 25-28 mm, 32-35-45 mm scale).
Green Stuff World provides rebates between 20,00% up to
28,00% as a product discount at the moment these textured rollers.
Related products:
Textured roller
display / Rolling pin Display
Silicon Guide Rings
The textured roller „Small Cobblestone“ 1374 produced and
sponsored by Green Stuff World International (GSW).
#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #GreenStuffWorld #GSW
#TexturedRoller #Cobblestone #GreenStuff #AmazingTools