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Posts mit dem Label Special Offer werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 26. Juli 2020

News by Micro Art Studio, 26.07.2020

Info-Update by our friends over at Micro Art Studio (MAS), based on their newsletter, dated 26th July 2020

Micro Art Studio is 15 years in the business!
What a success! Congrats to all the small and large things from Poland!

Only until Sunday late night you will get 15% discount for all scenery and bases of their  CONQUEST category.

Do you know the game CONQUEST The Last Argument of Kings by Para Bellum Wargames Ltd.. Follow the link below.

Micro Art Studio has also updated their base line!

More bases are now available as follows:

B00782 Mystic Bases, Round 28mm (5)
B00982 Tech Bases, Round 28mm (5)
B03882 Warehouse Bases, Round 28mm (5)
B05182 Deep Water Bases, Round 28mm (5)
B05501 Ruined Chapel - Basing Kit (17)

The Hive hardfoam scenery are now back in stock, too. Please keep in mind that the hardfoams are prepainted as well.

Micro Art Studio Website
Micro Art Studio Webstore

Para Bellum Wargames Website / Webstore

#HBS #HBSHQ #HobbyBunkerSchriesheim
#MAS #MicroArtStudio #POLAND #bases #CONQUEST #ParaBellumWargames
#scenery #discount #business #15years #anniversary #success

Donnerstag, 2. August 2018

War World Gaming - Clubrabatt von 15% [HBS15]

Wir freuen uns Euch mitteilen zu dürfen, dass WAR WORLD GAMING bzw. WW Scenics und der Hobby Bunker Schriesheim eine Basis für eine zukünftige Kooperation gefunden haben. Aus diesem freudigen Anlass können wir allen Clubmitglieder wie auch Teilnehmern von Events des Hobby Bunker Schriesheim einen festen Rabatt in Höhe von 15% dauerhaft anbieten.

Schaut doch auch mal direkt auf der deutschen Facebook Seite von WWS bzw. WWG vorbei:

Bei weiterem Interesse, Rückfragen oder auch der Wunsch einer Sammelbestellung auf zu geben, um weitere Versandkosten zu sparen, schriebt uns einfach eine kurze E-Mail an HobbyBunkerSchriesheim@gmx.NET.

Euer HBS HQ Team

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #HBS15 #CooperationPartner #Kooperationspartner #WarWorldGaming #WWG #WarWorldScenics #WWS #WWScenics #UK #RebateCode #DiscountCode #SpecialDiscount #Token

Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2018

RELEASE: New products by KROMLECH - New Bundle ! Motorized Orc "Schmeisser" Greatcoat Squad

KROMLECH has released a new bundle.

Check out this bundle "Motorized Orc "Schmeisser" Greatcoat Squad" 

© Copyright - Picture made by KROMLECH

The bundle combines the following two sets:

1.) Orc Headkrasha Iron Reich Transporta Halftrack (KRVB052)

© Copyright - Picture made by KROMLECH

+ plus

2.) Orc "Schmeisser" Greatcoat Squad (KRM022)
© Copyright - Picture made by KROMLECH

If you buy this bundle you will save approx. 10,- EUR compared to the individual single item price.

This means save more than 10% compared to the RRP!

Related products by KROMLECH:

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #KROMLECH #BitsOfWar #RELEASE #Bundle #SaveMoney #MotorizedOrcSchmeisserGreatcoatSquad #Greatcoat #IronReich #3rdReich #WorldWar #WorldWar2 #WW2

Freitag, 22. Juni 2018

New Arrivals by Warlord Games

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim has received another package by Warlord Games.

Happy Ordering
Happy Assembling
Happy Painting
Happy Gaming

We have ordered three rulebooks as follows:

- Black Powder 1700-1790
- Pike & Schotte 1500-1700
- Hail Caesar 3000 BC - 1500 AD

HBS placed the order in time to get an exclusive metal miniatures per rulebook and to get a free plastic box for free on top.

Great deal offered by Warlord Games as always!


Warlord Games Ltd., UK

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #WarlordGames #Deal #SpecialOffer #SummerOffensive #FreePlasticBox #FreeMiniature #ForFree #4Free #Rulebook #BlackPowder #PikeAndSchotte #HailCaesar #Parcel #Delivered #DPD

Donnerstag, 26. April 2018

AMMO Members Club

Are you already be a member of AMMO?

- free membership, no extra costs
- monthly promos and special deals
- discover great discounts
- fixed member rebate up to 20%*

Register now free and you will instantly be part of AMMO MEMBERS CLUB.

* Every registered customers and AMMO Club members has access to the AMMO Members Club section as shown below.

This sections will give you a quick overview of your loyality points and current ranking within AMMO.

You can reach three levels of rankings:


Your bronze ranking will relates a discount rebate of 10%.
The silver ranking will relates a discount rebate of 15%. 
And last but not least the gold ranking will offers a discount rebate of 20% in total!

AMMO Of Mig Jimenez S.L.

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #AMMO #AMMOofMigJimenez #AMMOmembersClub #Ranking #Discount #SpecialPrice #Loyality

Freitag, 30. März 2018

KROMLECH is celebrating 4th Anniversary of Bits of War !

Dear All,

KROMLECH is celebrating the 4th birthday of their webshop "Bits of War" at the moment.

Four years ago - on 1st April 2014 - KROMLECH has released the online store.

KORMLECH is extending their fantastic range of conversion bits, miniatures, vehicle, vehicle bits, gaming accesories, Pigments and battle dices, week by week.

Take your chance of their limited special discount offer and place your right now - to get the 20% rebate.

Valid only till 1st April 2018!

Please note that all KROMLECH veterans will get the additional +5% Discount. Thus, in total 25%!

Related Posts:

Related Websites:

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #KROMLECH #BitsOfWar #TabletopScenics #ANNIVERSARY #4thAnniversary #Opening #1stApril2014 ##1stAPRIL #SpecialDiscount #ThankYou

Montag, 19. März 2018

Special Offer - St. Patrick's Day Deals by Steamforged Games (SFG)

We hope you took your chances on last Saturday and yesterday!

Saint Patrick's Day was not only in Northern Ireland and the United States of America.

Steamforged Games Ltd had Special offers in the last two days.

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim took the chance a ordered some limited edition miniatures related to  Guild Ball. We also Extended our gameboard range and ordered an additional gaming mat for our upcoming Guild Ball tournament next weekend.

We hope to receive all items just in time. So, We will be able to present you the miniatures.
The Guild Bundles were awesome. 60,- EUR for two Guilds. Normal RRP = 90,- EUR for twelve miniatures! HBS ordered for you the Blacksmith's Guild and the Farmer's Guild. We will review these products to show you some close-ups in the next couple of weeks.

The following items were available for a very short period.

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim has already pledged Resident Evil (RE) 2 after SPIEL 2017 last autumn.
We will present you Resident Evil 2 The Board Game after we will get the RE2 products in Q3/2018.

Guild Ball Core Game - Kick Off! = ./. 50% off
Two Guilds for 60,- EUR = savings of 30,- EUR!
Guild Ball Play Mat = ./. 50%

Limited Editions available again!

- Helloween
- Oktoberfest
- Valentine's Day
- Easter Special

SFG also offered several pins over the last weekend.

We hope you are one of the lucky ones. SFG did it again: First come, first serve!

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #SteamforgedGames #SFG #SteamforgedLtd #GuildBall #Pins #GamingMat #Guild #FarmersGuild #BlacksmithGuild #SaintPatricksDay #StPatricksDay #SpecialOffer #LimitedEdition

Special Deal - Tabletop World Special Weekly Offer is ending on March 24th 2018!

Tabletop World provides another Special Weekly Offer again! Ending on March 24th 2018!

Mansion, RRP = 118,- EUR

Noble Townhouse, RRP = 112,- EUR

Townhouse, RRP = 32,- EUR, --> 0,- EUR till 24th March 2018!

FREE SHIPPING if you order products above 250,- EUR in total.

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #TabletopWorld #Terrain #TabletopTerrain #TabletopWargaming #Tabletop #PerfectScale #BestTerrainProduct #SpecialDeal #SpecialWeeklyOffer #Mansion #NobleTownhouse #Townhouse

Samstag, 17. März 2018

Loyality Veteran Program by KROMLECH

Are you already a Veteran? If, Yes ...we hope not only in real life or on the battle fields.

If not... think about it and join the loyality Veteran program by KROMLECH!

All your purchases at KROMLECH / Bits of War will help you to reach the Veteran status.
You can collect "Loyality Points".

Every 4.99 EUR spent in KROMLECH'S webshop gives you one new loyalty point.
All your points are added to your account after dispatching the package related to your individual order.
You can accumulate as many points as you wish and they may be converted for discount vouchers at any time.
You will receive 0.25 EUR for every loyalty point which has been converted.
How can I check my current Loyality Status?
To check how many points you have accumulated so far or convert points to discount voucher go to „My account” page and then access „My loyalty points”.
You can use your loyality program voucher on any order over 20 EUR.

© Copyright by KROMLECH

Veteran Status
If your total purchases on Bits of War store exceed 500,- EUR you will be official promoted to "Veteran".
As a Veteran you will get additional discounts on all Kromlech products (cumulative with any vouchers) and in addition KROMELCH will be making special promotions for the veterans - These promotions are not available for all other customers.

Related Blog Posts:

Related Websites:

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #KROMLECH #BitsofWar #TabletopScencis #WeekendPromo #SpecialDeal #SpecialOffer #EnlaveMarkers #EnclaveBattleRuler #VeteranProgram #LoyalityProgram #ExtraDiscount #VeteranStatus

Freitag, 16. März 2018

Special Offer - Weekend Promo by KROMLECH

Today, It's Friday again - Time for WEEKEND PROMO again!

Till the end of Sunday you can purchase the following Gaming Accessories designed for Enclave faction with an additional rebate of 15% at KROMELCH's webshop "Bits of War".

Take your chance and place your next order with a special price.

Enclave Markers [green]

© Copyright - Picture made by KROMLECH

Enclave Markers [orange]

© Copyright - Picture made by KROMLECH

Enclave Battle Ruler [orange]

© Copyright - Picture made by KROMLECH

Enclave Battle Ruler [green]

© Copyright - Picture made by KROMLECH

WEEKEND PROMO items are only valid till Sunday, 18th March 2018:

If not... think about it and join the loyality Veteran program by KROMLECH!

All veteran customers will get an extra discount of +5% on top. This means 20% discount in total!

Related Websites:

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #KROMLECH #BitsofWar #TabletopScencis #WeekendPromo #SpecialDeal #SpecialOffer #EnlaveMarkers #EnclaveBattleRuler

Mittwoch, 14. März 2018

OSPREY Games - Newsletter

Have you signed up for the Osprey Games newsletter?

Every month OSPREY GAMES bring you the latest news, special features, and a prize for one lucky subscriber!

© Copyright - Picture made by OSPREY, OSPREY Publishing, OSPREY Games

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #OSPREY #OspreyPublishing #OspreyGames #OspreyAdventures #OspreyNewsletter #Newsletter #Books #Subscriber #Prize #LatestNews #SpecialFeature

New Arrivals - Monsters by Mierce Miniatures

Yesterday, We have received new Monsters by Mierce Miniatures at the Hobby Bunker Schriesheim.
We have placed our orders during the Special Monster Deal *BUY ONE GET ONE FREE* few days ago.

Our Gaming Club is happy to show you some close-up shots of all the miniatures soon.
Product reviews for each individual Monster will follow, too.

Gahwn, Cawrgwyfern of Elenydd


Bases 80mm, 100mm, 120mm

The Mierce Miniatures monsters are huge.

Quick comparison between the two-handed weapon!!! and a Blood Bowl Ogre by Games Workshop (GW) 

Copyright by Mierce Miniatures -

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #MierceMiniatures #Monster #Awesome #Huge #FreeMiniatures #GetOneFree #SpecialDeal #NewArrivals #HappyCollecting #HappyPainting