Sonntag, 26. Juli 2020

News by Micro Art Studio, 26.07.2020

Info-Update by our friends over at Micro Art Studio (MAS), based on their newsletter, dated 26th July 2020

Micro Art Studio is 15 years in the business!
What a success! Congrats to all the small and large things from Poland!

Only until Sunday late night you will get 15% discount for all scenery and bases of their  CONQUEST category.

Do you know the game CONQUEST The Last Argument of Kings by Para Bellum Wargames Ltd.. Follow the link below.

Micro Art Studio has also updated their base line!

More bases are now available as follows:

B00782 Mystic Bases, Round 28mm (5)
B00982 Tech Bases, Round 28mm (5)
B03882 Warehouse Bases, Round 28mm (5)
B05182 Deep Water Bases, Round 28mm (5)
B05501 Ruined Chapel - Basing Kit (17)

The Hive hardfoam scenery are now back in stock, too. Please keep in mind that the hardfoams are prepainted as well.

Micro Art Studio Website
Micro Art Studio Webstore

Para Bellum Wargames Website / Webstore

#HBS #HBSHQ #HobbyBunkerSchriesheim
#MAS #MicroArtStudio #POLAND #bases #CONQUEST #ParaBellumWargames
#scenery #discount #business #15years #anniversary #success

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