Hobby Bunker Schriesheim hosted the Family & Friends Board Game Night after the first day of our Terrain Building Workshop on last Saturday.
We played the following board games till the early morning...
UNO Extreme |
Happy to finish all games at 04.00 am CET ...before our second day of the Terrain Building Workshop has been started at 10.00 am CET.
Lots of fun and new games. Thanks for stopped by - you made our day **night!
Some impressions...
#HappyGaming #BoardGameGeeks
Cheers Sonja, Andreas, Eva, Flo, Sonja and Stephan.
#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #FamilyAndFriends #FamilyAndFriendsGameNight #GameNight #DayAndNight #24/7 #NMBR9 #ABACUSSPIELE #KOSMOS #Sponsor