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Posts mit dem Label Rulebook werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 2. Juli 2018

New Arrivals by OSPREY Games (Warlord Games)

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim has received a package from UK. OSPREY shipped few items to our HQ.

- Bolt Action Rulebook (Second Edition, English language, incl digital ebook verion)
- Bolt Action Armybook (United States, English language, incl. digital ebook version)

...and last but not least:


Individual insights, unboxing and reviews will follow in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned!

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #OSPREY #OspreyPublishing #OspreyGames #OspreyAdventure #ZooBall #FantasyFootball #WarlordGames #BoltAction #BoltActionSecondEdition #Rulebook #Armybook #ebook #UnitedStates #English #EnglishLanguage

Freitag, 22. Juni 2018

New Arrivals by Warlord Games

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim has received another package by Warlord Games.

Happy Ordering
Happy Assembling
Happy Painting
Happy Gaming

We have ordered three rulebooks as follows:

- Black Powder 1700-1790
- Pike & Schotte 1500-1700
- Hail Caesar 3000 BC - 1500 AD

HBS placed the order in time to get an exclusive metal miniatures per rulebook and to get a free plastic box for free on top.

Great deal offered by Warlord Games as always!


Warlord Games Ltd., UK

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #WarlordGames #Deal #SpecialOffer #SummerOffensive #FreePlasticBox #FreeMiniature #ForFree #4Free #Rulebook #BlackPowder #PikeAndSchotte #HailCaesar #Parcel #Delivered #DPD