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Posts mit dem Label Classics werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Samstag, 12. Mai 2018

Warhammer Fantasy Classic Tournament on 12th May 2018

Today, We have our classic flashback: Warhammer Fantasy Battle 

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim is hosting his classical Warhammer tournament.

Our Club members will playing Warhammer Fantasy. War units on square bases without rebased armies - it's time to remember the beginning in our youth.

Some of our Club members will travel to Meckenheim to attend at the ad arma convention.

Feel free to come also to Meckenheim. The convention will be hosted by ad arma and the doors are open tuill 07:00 pm CET.

Retailer at ad arma Con 2018:

Fantasy Kolosseum

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #Warhammer #WarhammerFantasy #WarhammerFantasyBattle #WarhammerFantasyClassic #Remember #GoodOldTime #Tournament #Schriesheim #Convention #adarma #Meckenheim  #FantasyKolosseum #FantasyKolosseumHeidelberg #Heidelberg #Kooperationspartner #CooperationPartner #TabletopVerein