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Posts mit dem Label New Arrivals werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 7. Mai 2018

New Arrivals by Warlord Games

We have received new parcels shipped by Warlord Games.

Gaming mat "Beach" 6x4

Gaming mat by Deep Cut Studio

TERMINATOR items by River Horse/Warlord Games

Thanks a lot to Kat P. for preparation and shipment in time.

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #NewArrivals #WarlordGames #Delivery #Parcel #NewItems #Stocks #DeepCutStudio #GamingMat #Beach #BoltAction #DDay #TERMINATOR #RiverHorse #Cooperation #Renadra

Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2018

New Arrivals by PK-PRO

We have received another large parcel by PK-PRO.

Delivered just in time - before the whole PK-PRO team will be on holidays! Enjoy it!!

Time schedule:


1.) PO placed on Monday early morning.

2.) packaging and shipment on Monday afternoon




3.) Delivery

Result = ⭐5 of ⭐5 stars

Perfect customer service, fast shipment and finally new items with some candies.
We are just happy. Thanks a lot PK-PRO - to Felix and his PK-PRO team!

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PKPRO #CooperationPartner #Kooperationspartner #Sponsor #NewArrivals #Parcel #HobbyZone #HobbyZonePL #GERMANY #POLAND #Haribo #Candies

Montag, 23. April 2018

New Arrivals - TERMINATOR Genisys by Warlord Games (River Horse)

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim has received another parcel by Warlord Games.

Warlord Games Ltd., UK

River Horse Games, UK


#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #GamingClub #WarlordGames #RiverHorse #Terminator #TerminatorGenisys #TabletopWargaming #CooperationPartner #Sponsor #NewArrivals

Mittwoch, 4. April 2018

New Arrivals by PK-PRO

Today, We have a received a new parcel by PK-PRO.

New products to be reviewed by HBS.

We found also some sweets inside the parcel. Quite happy about the customer service provided by the PK-PRO Team. Happy HARIBO!

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PKPRO #MeinHobbyBaumarkt #CooperationPartner #Kooperationspartner #Sponsor #NewArrivals #Delivered #Review #Happy #HARIBO

Mittwoch, 14. März 2018

New Arrivals - Monsters by Mierce Miniatures

Yesterday, We have received new Monsters by Mierce Miniatures at the Hobby Bunker Schriesheim.
We have placed our orders during the Special Monster Deal *BUY ONE GET ONE FREE* few days ago.

Our Gaming Club is happy to show you some close-up shots of all the miniatures soon.
Product reviews for each individual Monster will follow, too.

Gahwn, Cawrgwyfern of Elenydd


Bases 80mm, 100mm, 120mm

The Mierce Miniatures monsters are huge.

Quick comparison between the two-handed weapon!!! and a Blood Bowl Ogre by Games Workshop (GW) 

Copyright by Mierce Miniatures -

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #MierceMiniatures #Monster #Awesome #Huge #FreeMiniatures #GetOneFree #SpecialDeal #NewArrivals #HappyCollecting #HappyPainting

Sonntag, 11. März 2018

New Arrivals - miniatures by Avatars of War for The 9th Age

Hobby Bunker Schriesheim has received the first wave of new items from Avatars of War SLNE.

Our Gaming Club is happy to show you some close-up shots of all the miniatures* in future.
Product reviews and painting tutorials will follow, too.

The miniatures designed and produced by Avatars of War are compatible with the IX AGE (TM) universe.

Related links:

Stay tuned and happy painting.

Yours Happy Bunker Schriesheim Team and Club members

*Miniatures produced and sponsored by Avatars of War. Thanks a lot to the whole AoW team, especially to Johanna for your individual Support and the add-on items. Much appreciated!

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #AvatarsofWar #AoW #The9thAge #IXAGE #NewArrivals #Tabletop #TabletopWargaming  

Donnerstag, 8. März 2018

New Arrivals - Bolt Action by Warlord Games

We have received the first wave of new items from Warlord Games UK.

Our Gaming Club is happy to show you some close-up shots in future.
Product reviews and painting tutorials will follow.

We will also host our first Bolt Action tournament in May 2018.

Enough tine to prepare all miniatures and set up our gaming tables.

Stay tuned and happy painting.

Yours Happy Bunker Schriesheim Team and Club members

#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #WarlordGames #BoltAction #NewArrivals #GermanArmy #Tabletop #TabletopWargaming #TabletopTournament #Tournament