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Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2018
Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2018
New Arrivals by PK-PRO
Hobby Bunker Schriesheim has received a new package by PK-PRO.
Be surpised... stay tuned... what will be inside...?
#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #PKPRO #MeinHobbyBaumarkt #CooperationPartner #Kooperationspartner #Sponsor #NewArrivals #Delivered #Review #Surprise #StayTuned
Dienstag, 2. Januar 2018
Painting Competitions, Games Fairs and Conventions 2018: dates
Hobby Bunker Schriesheim would like to recommend the following painting competitions, games fairs and conventions in 2018:
- 31.01.-04.02.2018 - Nürnberger Spielwarenmesse 2018, Nürnberg, GERMANY
- 20.02.-25.02.2018 - Spieligenstadt 2018, Seeligenstadt, GERMANY
- 24.02.-25.02.2018 - Hamburger Tactica, Hamburg, GERMANY
- 10.03.-10.03.2018 - 52. MuRoCo, Mutterstadt Rollenspiel Convent, Mutterstadt, GERMANY
- 10.03.-11.03.2018 - Montreux Miniature's Show, Clarens, SWITZERLAND
- 22.03.-25.03.2018 - ADEPTICON 2018, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA
- 13.04.-15.04.2018 - Herzog von Bayern / Duke of Bavaria, Ingolstadt, GERMANY
- 14.04.-14.04.2018 - Salute 2018, London, UK
- 21.04.-22.04.2018 - XXII. MMS Moson Modell Show, HUNGARY
- 12.05.-12.05.2018 - Ad Arma Convention 2018, Meckenheim, GERMANY
- 12.05.-13.05.2018 - RPC Role Play Convention, Cologne, GERMANY
- 01.06.-03.06.2018 - XII. UK Games Expo (UKGE), Birmingham, UK
- 17.08.-18.08.2018 - ArdaCon : SBG International 2018, Manchester, UK
- 19.08.-19.08.2018 - Golden Demon GERMANY
- 30.08.-02.09.2018 - ReaperCon 2018, Denton, Texas, USA
- 30.08.-02.09.2018 - Nova Open 2018, Washington DC, USA
- 13.10.-14.10.2018 - 29. Modellbau Ausstellung - PMC Main-Kinzig, Gelnhausen, GERMANY
- 20.10.-21.10.2018 - Scale Model Challenge (SMC), Veldhoven, The Netherlands
- 25.10.-28.10.2018 - SPIEL '18 internationale Spielemesse Essen, Essen, GERMANY
- 03.11.-03.11.2018 - Crisis Wargaming Convention 2018, Antwerpen, BELGIUM
- 03.11.-04.11.2018 - Hussar Miniature Painting Competition, Warsaw, POLAND
- 10.11.-11.11.2018 - Mannheim Spielt!, Mannheim, GERMANY
- 10.11.-11.11.2018 - Monte San Savino 2018, Monte San Savino, ITALY
- 17.11.-18.11.2018 - 28. Dreieich Con, Dreieich, GERMANY
- 22.11.-25.11.2018 - Spielemesse, Stuttgart, GERMANY
#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #Recommendation #Events #GamesFairs #PaintingCompetitions #Conventions #2018
Games Fair,
Miniature's Show,
Painting Competition
Schriesheim, Deutschland
Sonntag, 31. Dezember 2017
Prize draw by ALPHA GAMES
ALPHA GAMES draw the winners related to the upcoming miniature range of The Duellistes Game.
Our Club member Stephan won a miniature by ALPHA GAMES!
Merci à tous de votre soutiens et d'avoir participé au concours, voici la liste des gagnants, qui recevront un tirage métal exclusive de Kheliana :
- Alexandre Gille
- Stephan Naber
- François Puissant
Envoyez votre adresse postale par message, afin que nous vous fassions parvenir la figurine au plus vite ;-) En encore bravo aux gagnants ! Et à très vite pour un autre petit concours ;-)
Thank you all for your support and for participating in the contest, here is the list of winners, who will receive an exclusive metal cast of Kheliana:
- Alexandre Gille
- Stephan Naber
- François Puissant
Send your mailing address in message, so we will send you the miniatures as soon as possible ;-) Congratulations to the winners! And see you soon for another little contest ;-)
#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #ALPHAGAMES #DuellistesTheGame #Kheliana #Competition #GiveAway #PrizeDraw #FreeMiniature #HappyPainting
Alpha Games,
Duellistes - The Game,
Free Miniature,
Give Away,
Happy Painting,
Prize Draw
Schriesheim, Deutschland
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