Dienstag, 27. Februar 2018

RELEASE: Starship Bases by Tabletop-Art GmbH


Tabletop-Art GmbH has released new bases.

© Copyright by Tabletop-Art GmbH, Picture made by Tabletop-Art GmbH

Tabletop-Art GmbH offers a new set of bases - "Starship Bases" - in different sizes:


Tabletop-Art GmbH has also different deals - especially for your armies and miniatures on 25 / 32 / 40 mm bases. Tabletop-Art GmbH offers sepcial prices related to scale effects, if you will order more than only four base sets.



#HobbyBunkerSchriesheim #HBS #TabletopArtGmbH #Cooperationpartner #Kooperationspartner #Bases #StarshipBases #DEAL #NEWS #Release

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